
The New Shopping Experience

Luis de Llera, Specialty Leasing & Pop Up Stores Director at Carmila, shares his perspective on how the real estate industry should evolve in order to adapt to customers’ needs and demands after the pandemic. In this transformation process, Luis asserts that getting to know the customers must be the core aspect for companies to grow and, in order to achieve that goal, technology is one of the main component to keep into account.

In order to adapt to the new shopping behavior, it is important to learn about consuming habits of customers and how they get to products and services. Digital transformation is a tool that will lead the way to understand what customers think, want and need.

Are companies ready for digital transformation?

Luis de Llera: It’s been years now that our sector has been undergoing a major transformation in digital terms and, after the last months of great changes, we are facing a situation we had never experienced before. What we have seen is an acceleration of processes, both internal and regarding the relationship with our clients. This will cause an acceleration peak on these digital transformation processes and make companies be aware of them and absolutely on top of them in order to adapt to what consumers demand.

Are you incorporating digital processes and tools on Carmila structure?

Luis de Llera: Carmila was created only 7 years ago, which is why, from the beginning, it has been through a process of digital transformation. For the last months, due to the pandemic, we have been accelerating this transformation. Since our goal is always focusing on the retailer and the customer, we have launched initiatives such as home delivery, Click & Collect, sales through WhatsApp and many more. Every day, we keep adding more options in order to create value for customers and retailers.

“Due to the pandemic, we have been accelerating this (digital) transformation”

Luis de Llera states that data analysis is an essential tool for adapting to the changing environment the industry is facing nowadays and, most of all, companies should know exactly what to do with data: how to manage information with the aim of improving the experience of the customer.

What is the role of data in this new scenario?

Luis de Llera: In such an uncertain and changing environment like the one we are facing today, knowing the customer is essential. For this, data analytics is a must; it is about collecting data but, most of all, how we use, manage and take advantage of data in order to improve customer experience.

Taking into account that the company has been exponentially growing, what will be the impact of e-commerce?

Luis de Llera: Customer experience is the most important aspect. Hence, the concept that we have been discussing for a few years is omnichannality. E-commerce and physical retail will converge to finally offer the solutions on demand by the final customer and a pleasant, comfortable and safe experience which also conveys the values undoubtedly present in physical retail.

“E-commerce and physical retail will converge to finally offer the solutions to the final customer”

Do you think these new shopping habits will still be used when the pandemic is over?

Luis de Llera: We have already observed how some of the habits have found the right balance throughout the pandemic. Consumers have already got used to certain comforts and convenience, which we must logically maintain. Initiatives that we have incorporated to Carmila, such as home delivery, shopping through WhatsApp and Click & Collect have unquestionably come to stay. Moreover, there will emerge new shopping habits and we should be ready for them. We must take the lead regarding real estate companies and be at the forefront of our customers’ demands.

“Consumers have already got used to certain comforts and convenience, which we must logically maintain”

Fortunately, the changes adopted during the pandemic and that have given place to the digital transformation in the industry are new assets that add value to the products and services we offer to customers. Likewise, they will come in handy once this process is over as customers will be able to enjoy the new comforts that it has made available, creating an unforgettable experience for them and their families.

To learn more about how to overcome challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic as a company belonging to the real estate industry and take advantage of the new shopping habits, watch the whole interview in the video.

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