
How can technology help improve your specialty leasing process?

hands in a business meeting

The specialty leasing process is undergoing a large-scale digital transformation. You might think: “If I’ve built a successful business without technology, I won’t need it in the future”. Nowadays, however, there is a large number of new tools that can help you improve your business in order to focus on accelerating deals, centralizing information, being more efficient, and digitizing contracts and payments: actions that keep the entire specialty leasing process on track.

If you read our article “Why is it time to implement a specialty leasing
management software
?”, you will learn about some benefits of implementing technology in your specialty leasing process. By the same token, here are some more reasons why technology is so important.


Spreadsheets, multiple versions of the same paper, last minute budgets updates, lots of emails and phone calls. Would you consider that as the most efficient and organized way of working?
Technology leaves the implementation of those methods out of the question. It makes the team and the company work faster, in an organized and efficient way. Active requests, tenant updates, space budgets, booking timelines, important information on deals are all stored in the same system. Everyone involved can easily access the information, avoiding the famous e-mail chain and multiple versions of paperwork.

Efficiency and Collaboration

When all the information is stored in one platform, you can keep the company operating more efficiently and collaboratively, even when increasing the lease output.
Meetings to discuss specialty leasing start playing a less important role because updates and changes will be already established. Eliminating idle time between regular meetings on the leasing process allows the team to focus on tasks that need more attention, work faster and be better coordinated. Thanks to technology, the whole team is able to keep up to date and collaborate and take action in real-time.
Likewise, the real-time collaboration involves tenants as well, resulting in better communication and effective interaction between the parts. This is why technology can also help your business build better relationships and increase tenant loyalty.

Accelerated Growth

All of these technological tools will empower your employees and provide more value to the company. They will be organized, optimizing time and entirely dedicated to what is important at the moment. Furthermore, this effective way of working will be reflected on the employees, making everyone want to be part of the company.
By implementing technology, you can attract the best professionals, with new skills and who have grown up using technology and its underlying data to take better decisions.

To sum up, using the latest technology will help you expand your business wisely and faster than ever. If you choose to stay as it is, you may fall behind… Or you can take the plunge and make the cut!

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